Higher & post-compulsory education projects
Embedding excellence: teaching, learning & assessment (2022), Durham University
The role of academic and research libraries as active participants and leaders in the production of scholarly research (2021), RLUK/AHRC
Learning games: exchange of good practices in adult education (2016-18), Erasmus+
Research information management / repositories PESTLE analysis (2013), JISC
Student attitudes towards intellectual property (2012), Intellectual Property Office
Student views and expectations of open educational resources (2012), Higher Education Academy
E-learning for researchers (2010), EMRSG (East Midlands Research Support Group)
Formative evaluation of the JISC Digitisation programme (2005-07), JISC
Digital Libraries in the Classroom programme evaluation and support study (2005-06), JISC
Evaluation of Health Information Services Management course (2005-07), Macmillan Cancer Relief
The development of research into practice guides (2004), Learning & Skills Council
Libraries: outcomes and measures (2003-05), The Higher Education Funding Council for England through the Fund for Good Management Practice
Collaboration between libraries and education: supporting the learner (2002), Resource: the Council for Museums, Libraries and Archives on behalf of the DfES/DCMS Demonstration Projects Working Party
Publications about higher & post-compulsory education
The Playful Space of Workshops: on imagination, improvisation and ignoring instrumentalism, Writing in Practice, 2019, with Andrew McMillan
'"We can do it imaginatively first!" Creating a magic circle in a radical community education setting, Studies in the Education of Adults, 2017
'Developing a new approach to information literacy learning design', Journal of Information Literacy, 2014, with Emily Shields
'Student attitudes towards intellectual property – and what this means for libraries', SCONUL Focus, 2013
'LIS researchers and practitioners: creating a research culture', Library and Information Research News, 2002
The publications below are behind paywalls. But if you don't have access to these publications, please get in touch to request a copy or more information.
'The challenges of strategic planning in academic libraries', New Library World, 2005
'Access to higher education among lower-socio-economic groups: A historical perspective' (Debate and discussion), Journal of Access Policy and Practice, 2004