Arts for Health projects
The impacts of taking part in arts activities on health and wellbeing
‘Space to Explore’ Evaluation (2023-25), High Peak Community Arts (The National Lottery)
‘It's in Our Nature' Evaluation (2023-24), High Peak Community Arts (The National Lottery Community Fund – The People’s Projects)
Project eARTh 3 Evaluation (2020-23), High Peak Community Arts
Reading is Caring Evaluation (2020-21), Scottish Book Trust
‘Forty Years On’ Evaluation (2019-22), High Peak Community Arts (for National Lottery Heritage Fund)
Research into Words in Mind, Kirklees (2019), Words in Mind/Third Sector Leaders Kirklees
There's No Bus Map for Dementia (2018-19), Arts Council England
The impact of educational comics on feelings and attitudes towards health conditions (2014-15), Wellcome Trust (Medical Humanities)
Freely available publications about arts for health
Project eARTh 2020-23 Evaluation Report
'Bibliotherapy in the UK: historical development and future directions' , Informatio, 2021, with Liz Brewster
'Bibliotherapy in practice: a person-centred approach to using books for mental health and dementia in the community', Medical Humanities, 2020, with Liz Brewster
‘Co-creating a graphic illness narrative with people with dementia’, Journal of Applied Arts & Health, 2020, with Cathy Leamy
Words in Mind Evaluation Report, 2019, with Liz Brewster
'Creating a comic about living with dementia', Age of Creativity, 2019
'Bibliotherapy and graphic medicine' in S. McNicol and L. Brewster (eds), Bibliotherapy, London: Facet, 2018
'How dementia is portrayed in comics', The Conversation, 2018
'The potential of educational comics as a health information medium', Health Information and Libraries Journal, 2016
'Reading health-education comics critically: challenging power relationships' in S.McNicol (ed), Critical Literacy for Information Professionals, London: Facet, 2016
'Humanising illness: presenting health information in educational comics', Medical Humanities, 2014
The publications below are behind paywalls. But if you don't have access to these, please get in touch to request a copy or more information.
Bibliotherapy, London: Facet, 2018, with Liz Brewster
'Theories of bibliotherapy' in S. McNicol and L. Brewster (eds), Bibliotherapy, London: Facet, 2018
’"Dude! You mean you've never eaten a peanut butter and jelly sandwich?!?" Nut Allergy as Stigma in Comic Books', Health Communication, 2013, with Simon Weaver
'Supporting patients and family members through health education comics', Way Ahead: The periodical for health professionals with an interest in MS, 2016
'Exploring the potential of health education comics to support patients and family members', ALISS Quarterly, 2016